Undhiyo .... 'n back on my feet!
Arrived in my city (for those of you morons who still don't know - my city is MUMBAI! ) and was immediately down with fever and don't know what! Really don't know what hit me!!! Thought was quite ok with all the antibiotics that I took on my own... but I guess not!
Yeah, I know...Dada... I shouldn't take medicines on my own! But this is the first time my cure has failed!!!
So a trip to my doc the day I land up here, and for the first time ever... I see him really concerned!
So he puts me onto another round of some antibiotic...advises a liquid diet...
And then, after 2 days, I decide...what the heck! This is not doing me any good! I visit the doc again...'n he advises rest, liquid diet....I tell him I'm not getting any better! He advises patience! Then comes the Undhiya! Courtesy a kind neighbour!
I decide ... enough is enough...Illness be damned...doc be damned! I dig into the delicious thing....'n say what!? I'm all ok the next day!!!
Trust good ol' Gujju food to get you back on track! WOW!
Ok, now I decide what to do in MUMBAI!!! Have to meet so many people...am meeting my college chums today....at the engagement ceremony of another of our mates! Have I become so old!??? Anyways, looking forward to it...long time since I met these guys! Long overdue!
Placement season is nearer than it ever was! And 6 companies in the first day! Now is the time... time to prove myself! Time to show what I'm worth...!
As I say, the fighter has to be back in action...he has to, his life depends on it!
All the best to everyone...EVERYONE of my batchmates!!!
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