My friend (a lotta folks here are surprised I use this word so often! ) Bihari says I should write something controversial!!!
Now the problem is not that I can't write about something controversial but the fact that it may end up opening old wounds! Let things
Ok, but if controversy is required, then I will mention something... I think an incident that all of us here would definitely relate to! I'll try to put it as subtly as possible!
All began as an initiative to get a B School fest going! Was a fairly successful event, given that it was the inaugural year! All of us worked hard, worked really hard! But some raw nerves were touched...or so it seems, in hindsight!
The next time around, things soured a bit! What was meant to be a routine affair went haywire!! Things were not that bad even then! But then came a colorful mail! And then it was MAYHEM!!!! A total of 13 mails (Someone told me that it was inauspicious ... I don't believe in that crap, but hmm....seems something was up!) within a spate of two days.... and then the battle lines were drawn.... one side against the other... You were either here or there! The world against the FAMILY! Ah! This reminds me of the GODFATHER... remember the Corleones and the "FAMILY"?
So, the preparations for the BIG DAY commence. (If you thought the big day was something, u r mistaken!!! It was just a meeting called... yet turned out to be momentous!)
And the meeting happened...and with that, the group was divided! But must say, it was great fun... must have captured some images on cam! Such stupidity!!!
The result? No fest! All work, no play! 'n to top it up, the blame's on the FAMILY!
But some incidents teach you much more than what you will ever learn in all your life! So you always have this learning to take with you! 'n some real good friendships too! And some new lingo..... never heard before words.... "transparency", "unity", "segmentation" (no I didn't understand this in marketing class!
One year hence, things are revving up again! Chingari lagi hai fir se! Ab use bujhaane saawan kaha se aayega! Dekhte hai hota hai kya! Waise, many would already know what will happen! Kyunki....
"Samajhdaar ko ishaara hi kaafi hota hai"
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