Back to work!
Back to regular gyaan sessions @ DoMS!!! After Diwali n all, here I am...back to routine! But there's hope yet...Friday's Eid - a holiday and then Saturday, Sunday and Monday off!!! WOW!!!
But guess what????? Prof. Thenmozhi (forget it if u can't spell that..most of us have a difficulty! )
has work lined up for all these days...'n I'm sure Prof. Vrags will also have something lined up when we meet tomorrow!
Now the reason I'm blogging away now is coz my dear friend Kris is busy typing away some report when we were suppossed to meet for the GBM preesentation tomorrow!!! Stupid fellow!! was my day? Ah.... nothing in the morning, gyaan session thru' the aftie... 1300 to 1700 hrs.... and then back to 408, Jam!!! A brief stop @ the Nescafe outlet though! The girl's hostel one!!!!
Daily dose of coffee u see!!!
Bought a new mic so that I can chat away on Google talk! Lets see how it works...let some girl come online!!! That fellow Kris is now ready, so gotta go!
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